Transition to Trade is a positive pathway for school pupils S3 – S5 to into the construction industry. There has been a sharp drop in the number of school and college leavers entering the construction industry, particularly in certain trades and the home building sector. Whilst there many people at college learning these trades, they often are not progressing into those professions after their studies.
Transition to Trade will be delivered over a 6-week period, in an informal setting, working with a cohort of 12 pupils who have demonstrated an interest in gaining a Trade.
One of the aims of this programme is to remove some of the barriers that pupils frequently face, such as not having the required qualifications or experience.
Throughout the 6-weeks the pupils will undergo training in mindset, confidence, and goal setting, as well as developing the practical skills required to work within the construction industry.
Following this training the pupils will participate in a large scale design and build project, where by working as a part of a team, they will have the opportunity to use their newly developed skills, to revamp a building within their local community. Which will hopefully give them an increased feeling of pride within their community as well as sense of achievement.
The progress of this project will be captured in a portfolio of evidence, which will include the pupils CV, which they will have either created or expanded upon during the employment workshops that take place throughout the programme. The pupils will also participate in mock interviews, to build on the skills required to gain future employment.
Working with partners, to focus on wellbeing. They visit on a weekly basis to offer pupils tailored social and emotional support aiming to reduce any presenting or underlying barriers they face. Which in turn, will allow them to access and sustain future opportunities.
The pupils will also work on a re-engagement plan back into school.
More details of the programme delivery can be provided on request.
Following on from the six week programme, the young people will be directed into various progression roles such as future placement, return to education or other partners that will support their future career goals.